]> git.quilime.com - cfg.git/shortlog
2023-06-12 Gabriel DunneCleanup master
2022-04-13 Gabriel DunneAdding Lima to zsh darwin
2022-04-07 Gabriel DunneAdding some aliases
2022-04-06 Gabriel DunneOSX Prompt
2022-04-06 Gabriel DunneAdding git to OSX prompt
2022-04-06 Gabriel DunneUpdating OSX prompt
2021-12-01 quilimeUpdate Vim-Cheatsheet.md
2021-12-01 Gabriel DunneMaking default branch main
2021-12-01 Gabriel DunneAddint latex to osx PATH
2021-10-15 Gabriel DunneUpgrading to yt-dlp
2021-07-09 Gabriel DunneAdding show/hide hidden files to darwin
2021-02-20 Gabriel DunneReadme
2021-02-20 quilimeUpdate .zsh-darwin
2021-02-20 Gabriel DunneUpdating Darwin ZSH cfg
2021-02-20 Gabriel DunneUpdating Tmux
2021-02-20 Gabriel DunneUpdating tmux and cheatsheet
2021-02-20 quilimeUpdate Vim-Cheatsheet.md
2021-02-20 quilimeUpdate Vim-Cheatsheet.md
2021-02-20 quilimeUpdate .tmux.conf
2021-02-20 quilimeUpdate .tmux.conf
2021-02-20 quilimeUpdate Vim-Cheatsheet.md
2021-02-20 quilimeUpdate Vim-Cheatsheet.md
2021-02-10 Gabriel DunneOSX settings
2021-02-10 Gabriel DunneMerge branch 'master' of nuke.local:git/cfg
2021-02-10 Gabriel DunneAdding Darwin zsh config for new OSX Shell
2021-01-22 Gabriel DunneFormatting .zshrc
2021-01-22 Gabriel DunneUpdating cheatsheet
2021-01-22 Gabriel DunneUpdating Tmux
2021-01-22 Gabriel DunneUpdating tmux and cheatsheet
2021-01-22 Gabriel DunneMaking tmux nicer
2021-01-22 Gabriel DunneAdding OSX support
2021-01-02 Gabriel DunneVim Cheatsheet
2021-01-02 Gabriel DunneVim Cheatsheet
2021-01-02 quilimeUpdate Vim-Cheatsheet.md
2021-01-02 quilimeUpdate Vim-Cheatsheet.md
2021-01-02 quilimeUpdate Vim-Cheatsheet.md
2021-01-02 Gabriel DunneRemoving neotree from repo, add manually when installing
2021-01-02 Gabriel DunneRemoving extras
2021-01-02 Gabriel DunneAdding time to prompt
2021-01-02 Gabriel DunneAdding Vim Cheetsheet
2020-12-13 Gabriel DunneAntialised font whn using term from i3
2020-12-13 Gabriel DunneAdding i3 config
2020-12-12 Gabriel Dunne.vimrc
2020-12-12 Gabriel Dunneupdating readme
2020-12-12 Gabriel DunneAdding .vimrc
2020-12-12 Gabriel DunneRemoving nerd tree and using netrw
2020-12-12 Gabriel Dunne.emacs
2020-12-12 Gabriel DunneAdding nerdtree for vim as submodule
2020-12-12 Gabriel DunneUpdating .vimrc
2020-12-11 Gabriel DunneAdding .tmux.conf
2020-12-11 Gabriel DunneAdding neotree plugin as a submodule
2020-12-11 quilimeUpdate README.md
2020-12-11 quilimeCreate README.md
2020-12-11 Gabriel DunneUpdating emacs
2020-12-09 Gabriel DunneReadme
2020-12-09 Gabriel Dunnezsh config
2020-12-09 Gabriel DunneJupyter Lab config
2020-12-09 Gabriel Dunneconfig
2020-12-09 Gabriel DunneAdding .emacs
2020-12-09 Gabriel DunneUpdating prompt
2020-12-09 Gabriel Dunneremoving .zsh folder
2020-12-09 Gabriel DunneAddin X and colors and some aliases
2020-12-09 Gabriel DunneAdding zsh config
2020-12-09 Gabriel DunneIgnores
2020-12-09 Gabriel DunneInit