]> git.quilime.com - gabrieldunne.com-site.git/shortlog
2023-10-21 Gabriel Dunnees master
2023-10-21 Gabriel Dunnees
2023-10-20 Gabriel DunneMic
2023-10-20 Gabriel DunneEthereal
2023-10-17 Gabriel DunneEthereal
2023-10-17 Gabriel DunneEthereal Signal
2023-10-17 Gabriel DunneEthereal Signal
2023-09-21 Gabriel DunneDate
2023-08-26 Gabriel DunneUpdate CSS
2023-08-26 Gabriel DunneAdding descriptions to archive
2023-08-04 Gabriel Dunneadding description to posts
2023-07-20 Gabriel DunneAdd PHONY targets to makefile
2023-07-20 Gabriel DunneAbout order
2023-07-20 Gabriel DunneClean up some posts
2023-07-20 Gabriel DunneUpdate CSS
2023-07-20 Gabriel DunneSlicing up bio
2023-07-19 Gabriel DunnePocketCHIP
2023-07-19 Gabriel DunneNew Bio
2023-07-14 Gabriel DunneRemove bold in FF
2023-07-14 Gabriel DunneNew layout
2023-07-13 Gabriel DunneAdding make
2023-07-13 Gabriel DunneStyle
2023-07-13 Gabriel DunneFixing twilight engines
2023-07-11 Gabriel DunneCleaning up index
2023-07-10 Gabriel DunneUpdating index and bump font size
2023-07-07 Gabriel DunneAdding .htaccess and analytics
2023-06-21 Gabriel DunneAbout
2023-06-17 Gabriel DunneAdd teaching
2023-06-15 Gabriel DunneBio
2023-06-15 Gabriel DunneFixing BIO
2023-06-15 Gabriel DunneNew posts and layouts
2023-03-03 Gabriel DunneAdding videos to Subspectral
2023-03-03 Gabriel DunneUpdating cv and subspectral
2023-02-05 Gabriel DunneAdding Subspectral and updating kala
2023-01-05 Gabriel Dunnecleanup
2023-01-04 Gabriel DunneAnalytics. Bye bye Google.
2023-01-03 Gabriel Dunneadding TE
2023-01-03 Gabriel DunneFixing publish
2023-01-03 Gabriel DunneNew posts and layouts
2023-01-02 Gabriel DunneCleanup
2023-01-02 Gabriel DunneMoving static folders to categories
2022-12-28 Gabriel DunneMove RSS
2022-12-28 Gabriel DunneAdding RSS
2022-12-28 Gabriel DunneMoving things around
2022-12-28 Gabriel DunneSome new content
2022-12-28 Gabriel DunnePermalinks for notes
2022-12-28 Gabriel DunneNew content
2022-12-28 Gabriel DunneAdd studio blogpost
2022-12-27 Gabriel DunneUpdate about
2022-12-27 Gabriel DunneUpdating publis
2022-12-27 Gabriel DunneAdd gldstudio config
2022-12-23 Gabriel DunneCleanup
2022-12-13 Gabriel DunneRibbon
2022-12-13 Gabriel DunneMove KALA to notes
2022-12-13 Gabriel DunneAdd new content
2022-12-13 Gabriel DunneUpdate Bundler, use site.url, add feed.xml RSS
2022-12-11 Gabriel DunneAdding push and about
2022-12-11 Gabriel DunneCSS tomfoolery
2022-12-11 Gabriel DunneColor calc fixes
2022-12-11 Gabriel DunneTessellated and CSS
2022-12-11 Gabriel DunneRibbon
2022-12-11 Gabriel DunneSoM and OKNK posts
2022-12-11 Gabriel Dunnecss
2022-12-11 Gabriel DunneL
2022-12-11 Gabriel DunneAdding timestamp to css so it caches
2022-12-11 Gabriel DunneDesign and verbiage
2022-12-11 Gabriel Dunnecss
2022-12-11 Gabriel DunneMobile CSS
2022-12-10 Gabriel DunneMoving scripts
2022-12-10 Gabriel DunneUpdating ribbon and css
2022-12-09 Gabriel DunneRibbon
2022-12-09 Gabriel DunneRibbon
2022-12-09 Gabriel DunneAdd Ribbon
2022-12-08 Gabriel DunneAdd serve scripts and ignores
2022-11-13 Gabriel DunneNew kala
2022-10-30 Gabriel DunneAdding KALA
2022-02-01 Gabriel DunneUpdating Config vars
2022-02-01 Gabriel DunneUpdating config vars
2022-02-01 Gabriel Dunneupdating publish
2022-02-01 Gabriel DunneRemoving bio pic
2022-02-01 Gabriel DunneAdding indexical performance and updating Claves
2020-04-01 Gabriel DunneCommenting out upcoming
2020-04-01 Gabriel DunneUpating typo in mandalas and adding bandcamp
2020-01-14 Gabriel Dunneupdating news and some broken links
2019-12-16 Gabriel DunneUpdating vimeo
2019-11-10 Gabriel DunneUpdating bio
2019-10-14 Gabriel Dunneadding image back
2019-10-14 Gabriel DunneSome CV updates
2019-09-13 Gabriel DunneUpdating About
2019-09-13 Gabriel DunneUpdating About
2019-07-24 Gabriel DunneAdding social links
2019-07-23 Gabriel DunneAdding twitter to news link
2019-04-26 Gabriel DunneSome post updates
2019-04-02 Gabriel DunneAdding mandalas
2019-03-21 Gabriel DunneUpdating index
2019-03-21 Gabriel DunneStyle and adding content to CA
2019-03-20 Gabriel DunneNew media and posts
2019-03-19 Gabriel DunneAdding image archive and moving some categories around
2019-03-19 Gabriel DunneUpdates to project categories
2019-03-19 Gabriel DunneRenaming fonts