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description: Gabriel Dunne
author : Gabriel Dunne
-author_url : https://gld.studio
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+Feb 05 2022
+Dearest friends and family,
+I am proud to announce my first solo full-length musical album: Subspectral
+Released under the musical alias “Stripe of Mirrors”, the tracks on this album occupy a sonic space that encompasses the emotional state of the otherworld and transition, resonating between Life and Death. Developed over the last 3 years, the sounds I am exploring in this album are emotional and akin to resonant sonic architectural spaces and textures, defining spaces that hold grief, memory and release.
+Keep a look out for the first music video for the album created in collaboration with Artist Adam Roth, which will be released in the coming weeks!
+Subspectral is dedicated to my father David Michael Dunne who passed away three years ago today.
+Wishing you a wonderful 2023 filled with life, love, and growth <3
+Stripe of Mirrors - Subspectral
+14 tracks -- 1 hour, 14 minutes
+Listen: https://album.link/subspectral
+Id start out with your dad and a story about him
+Like “three years ago today my father died
+Like a personal story/relatinoship
+Oh dang ok come in with the hook
+He was the closest person to me etc etc
+His loss felt like a part of myself died
+And i entered this space
+And from thay space this album was created
+This is my first solo work to date
+Its very special to me
+Three years ago today my Father, David Michael Dunne, passed away. For him to die, was to experience a death of myself, as well. "Subspectral" is an introspective, internal journey through landscapes and architectures of temporal ruminations, spaces, textures, and emotions pertaining to the Other world. A labrynth of time, texture, and space, settling into the space that one leaves when they move into the next plane. I dedicate this album to my dad, who is still with me, almost as if he's in the next room, always supportive with his huge precense in my life, of which I still carry with me until I meet him in the next. Thank you for taking the time to enter into this space, and enjoy <3
+Three years ago today my Father, David Michael Dunne, died. On February 5, 2020 I would Not have been able to imagine that this larger than life person that brought me a cosmic stability and connection with myself and the world would Dissolve. As the wider world changed around me, I settled into a personal space of grief. This album is my first solo album, an introspective journey through a landscape Of suspended temporal meditations, a labyrinth of texture and space. Time is many things - steady and calm, frantic and anxious, infinite and imperceptibly slow. This album is a visceral study of time, a rumination on the absence of opposing forces and the spaces that are left when one disappears. This album is dedicated to my Father, the supportive creative warm loving person, the kind of person that leaves a hole. These collections of sounds are the heartbeats of a hole impossible to fill and the journey within myself to fill it. It changes and release creates new beginnings. Thank you for taking the time to enter this mind-space.
+And remember to forever “live Laugh and Love” and “feel the gratitude of an abundant life as the god and goddess you are”
+01. Title A
+02. Heartbeats
+03. Terra Cycle
+04. Taps
+05. Sayon
+06. Grinds
+07. Whisps
+08. Title B
+09. Peliculated
+10. Shimmers
+11. Columns
+12. Regions
+13. Births
+14. Title C
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--- /dev/null
+Copyright (C) *|CURRENT_YEAR|* https://gld.studio*|IFNOT:ARCHIVE_PAGE|**|HTML:LIST_ADDRESS_HTML|**|END:IF|*Want to change how you receive these emails?You can update your preferences or unsubscribe
+Feb 05 2022
+Dearest friends and family,
+Three years ago today my Father, David Michael Dunne, passed away. For him to die was to experience a death of myself, and of rebirth. Subspectral is an introspective, internal journey through landscapes and architectures of temporal ruminations, spaces, textures, and emotions pertaining to the Other world. A labyrinth of time, texture, and space, settling into the void that one leaves when they move into the next plane. Released under my musical alias Stripe of Mirrors, I dedicate this album to my dad, who is still with me, almost as if he's in the next room, always supportive with his huge presence in my life, of which I still carry with me until I meet him in the next. Thank you for taking the time to enter into this space, and enjoy <3
+14 tracks - 1 hour, 14 minutes
+01. Title A
+02. Heartbeats
+03. Terra Cycle
+04. Taps05. Sayon
+06. Grinds
+07. Whisps
+08. Title B
+09. Peliculated
+10. Shimmers
+11. Columns
+12. Regions
+13. Births
+14. Title C
+Keep an eye out for yet to be released music videos, tracks, and livestreams at Stripe of Mirrors.
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layout: post\r
title: Kala\r
date: 2022-10-30\r
-categories: projects\r
+categories: notes\r
thumb: /m/kala/thumb.png\r
+excerpt_separator: <!--more-->\r
-# Kāla\r
-An interface for relative galactic timekeeping 🌍🌎🌏⏳\r
-!!! This document is a *WIP* !!!\r
-Author: [GLD](http://gabrieldunne.com)\r
-Last Edit: Sat Nov 12 18:10:42 2022\r
-## Thesis\r
-### Cycles\r
Cycles are the core principal of the universe, and are all pervasive. We are thoroughly enmeshed in cycles and the periodic rhythms, which span the frequencies of space and time. Some are of the most obvious on a daily basis: our sleep patterns, the weather, the seasons, sunrise, sunset, the moon phases, and more. On a larger magnitude: the age of our bodies, the rise and decline of species, the life cycle of stars. On a smaller, our breathing rate, our heart rate, the audio spectrum of music, speaking, the visible light spectrum, radio waves, cosmic rays, and ultimately the smallest measurable amount of time we can comprehend (Planck time). The appearance of the entire world and all existence with its natural and technological cycles are rooted in archetypal, sinusoidal principals.\r
+<!-- \r
### Quantized Time\r
-*... WIP ...*\r
### Relativity\r
layout: post
title: "Celestial Mechanics"
date: 2006-05-05
-categories: projects
+categories: projects featured
thumb: /m/cm/thumb.png
A total of 46 different technologies were researched and incorporated into the script. Eight different technologies were selected for the prototype presentation, based on their potential for visual representation and as a cross section of each altitude level. As the project evolved, it was clear that entropy was built into its design. Within weeks after the artwork had shifted from research to design, new technologies were introduced into the sky. “Celestial Mechanics” is a snapshot of the airborne hardware at one moment in man’s history and is almost immediately a historical artifact.
-Once compiled, the data was parsed into MEL, a scripting language used by the 3D animation program Maya or parsed through the programming language Processing. A virtual dome was created that comprised of a 5-camera rig—looking north, south, east, west, and directly up. A team of animators in Design|Media Arts at UCLA each tackled a different data set, with the artists overseeing the design and making adjustments for aesthetic choices—speeding things up, changing point-of-view, etc. “Celestial Mechanics” was not meant as a scientific tool but an artwork, and creative license was taken to increase the power and emotion of overall piece.
+Once compiled, the data was parsed into MEL, a scripting language used by the 3D animation program Maya or parsed through the programming language Processing. A virtual dome was created that comprised of a 5-camera rig—looking north, south, east, west, and directly up. A team of animators in Design/ Media Arts at UCLA each tackled a different data set, with the artists overseeing the design and making adjustments for aesthetic choices—speeding things up, changing point-of-view, etc. “Celestial Mechanics” was not meant as a scientific tool but an artwork, and creative license was taken to increase the power and emotion of overall piece.
The animations were rendered and then, using a proprietary software courtesy of Evans and Sutherland, the five camera views were ‘stitched’ together into round dome originals. Skywalker Sound, having read about the project online, volunteered to create the sound design for the project. The resulting artwork premiered concurrently in portable domes at UCLA and Siggraph in Los Angeles in the summer of 2005.
title: Cabspotting\r
date: 2008-07-05 \r
-categories: projects\r
+categories: projects featured\r
layout: post\r
thumb: /m/cabspotting/thumb.png\r
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/68519298?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffffff" width="800" height="500" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>\r
-San Francisco Taxi-Cab Visualization\r
+### "Cabspotting" San Francisco Taxi-Cab Visualization\r
+#### Credits\r
+[Stamen Design](https://stamen.com) \r
+Eric Rodenbeck \r
+Scott Snibbe \r
+Tomas Apodeca \r
+Amy Balkin \r
+Michal Migurski \r
+Shawn Allen \r
+Gabriel Dunne \r
-Scott Snibbe, Amy Balkin, Eric Rodenbeck, Michal Migurski, Shawn Allen, Tomas Apodeca, Gabriel Dunne, Stamen Design \r
[Cabspotting](http://stamen.com/clients/cabspotting) \r
[Cabspotting in MoMA](http://content.stamen.com/cabspotting_in_moma_design_and_the_elastic_mind) \r
layout: post\r
title: "Seaquence.App"\r
-categories: projects\r
+categories: projects featured\r
date: 2016-03-15\r
excerpt: software music toy\r
thumb: /m/seaquence/3-up-700px.png\r
layout: post\r
title: Twilight Engines\r
-categories: projects\r
+categories: projects featured\r
date: 2019-03-03\r
title: Monad
layout: post
date: 2010-12-20
-categories: works
+categories: works featured
excerpt: projection sculpture
thumb: /m/monad/thumb3.png
layout: post
date: 2012-12-20
tags: collab
-categories: works
+categories: works featured
excerpt: projection-mapped sculpture
thumb: /m/naag/thumb.png
[Mehrauli](en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehrauli), South-West district of Delhi
+## NAAG Z - Mumbai 2015
+<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/122618829?color=ffffff&byline=0&portrait=0" width="800" height="450" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
+Gabriel Dunne [gabrieldunne.com](http://gabrieldunne.com)
+Vishal K Dar [vishalkdar.com](http://vishalkdar.com)
+4' x 4' x 14'
+Plaster of Paris, EPS Foam, Steel, Custom Software, Computer, Projectors
+Mumbai, 2015
+<img src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7599/16817419326_a32f6021c3_z.jpg" />
+<img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8670/16842189712_a5853f3039_z.jpg" />
+## NAAG XY - San Francisco, 2015
+<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/142578819?color=ffffff&byline=0&portrait=0" width="800" height="450" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
+Gabriel Dunne [gabrieldunne.com](http://gabrieldunne.com)
+Vishal K Dar [vishalkdar.com](http://vishalkdar.com)
+EPS foam, plaster of paris, custom software, multiple projectors, computer
+14' x 8' x 4'
+<img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/565/22434089422_3b0b68ca1b_b.jpg"/>
+## exhibition
+NEAT: New Experiments in Art and Technology
+Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco
+Oct 15, 2015 – Jan 17, 2016
+more info: [http://www.thecjm.org/on-view/currently/neat-new-experiments-in-art-and-technology/about](http://www.thecjm.org/on-view/currently/neat-new-experiments-in-art-and-technology/about)
+## selected press
+ - [SF Weekly](http://www.sfweekly.com/sanfrancisco/contemporary-jewish-museum-cia-lori-starr-art-renny-pritikin-chasing-justice-neat-vishal-k-dar-gabriel-dunne-naga-naag-xy-toilets/Content?oid=4374885)
+ - [SF Weekly](http://www.sfweekly.com/exhibitionist/2015/10/29/neat-art-and-tech-converge-at-contemporary-jewish-museum)
+ - [SF Chronicle](http://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/At-Jewish-Museum-tech-is-art-and-vice-versa-6607956.php)
+ - [KQED](http://ww2.kqed.org/arts/2015/11/04/not-just-neat-new-experiments-in-art-and-technology-delights/)
+ - [SF Examiner](http://www.sfexaminer.com/technology-driven-artworks-amaze-in-cjms-neat/)
layout: post
title: Claves Angelicae
date: 2018-08-10
-categories: projects
+categories: projects featured
thumb: /m/ca/thumb.png
layout: post
title: subspectral
date: 2022-02-05
-categories: works
+categories: works featured
+Subspectral is an introspective, internal journey through landscapes and architectures of temporal ruminations and emotions pertaining to the Other world. A labyrinthine of time, textures, and spaces, that resonate between the finite experience of life and infinite experience of death, settling and leaning deep into the void that one leaves when they move into the next plane, only to find acceptance, familiarity, and hope.
01. Title A
02. Heartbeats
03. Terra Cycle
13. Births
14. Title C
-Available on most streaming and download services
+Available on
- [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/album/58SCdurU9mc6gPJQ0Wwvc1)
- [Bandcamp](https://stripeofmirrors.bandcamp.com/album/subspectral)
## Music Videos
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/EE_GrevFDFI" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
+### Shimmers
+Featuring Adam Roth’s world of “Astramid”, hyperreal time/space astronauts appear to be created from an amalgamation of elements from ancient Earth history and a far, imagined future. His hand drawn character illustrations were used to generate what appears to be a hyper-realistic future-past fashion look-book. To complete this process, we collaborated on custom animation tools built upon Stable Diffusion, an open-source AI image model, to develop a stop-animation look that contributed to a filmic presence and realism, giving the characters even more form and life to compliment the ethereal and transient percussive sounds in the track. Throughout this creative process we would generate thousands of image "gens" exploring the results and selecting our picks, sometimes running them through the model again and again as way to achieving a certain (im)materiality through image, coaxing and pulling out what we wanted to see in the final characters.
+So much of the process is a discovery. A single diamond in the rough of a deluge image gens can sometimes take days. We began to discover the edges of our visual processing abilities, and the creative process becomes somewhat of a waking, shared dream. The "three" of us — Adam, myself, and the AI -- dreaming to create something we hadn't seen before.
+Adam Roth's world of "Astramid" continues to be developed in the realm of print, motion, and a physical toy line.
+- Video Link: [https://youtu.be/EE_GrevFDFI](https://youtu.be/EE_GrevFDFI)
+- Video by [Archive of Discoveries](https://aodisc.org)
+- Artist: [Adam Roth](https://addyroth.com)
+- Directed and Edited by Gabriel Dunne
+- Audio: "Shimmers" by Stripe of Mirrors
+- Length: 2:46
+- Format: 7680 x 4320 (8k), 60fps, 16:9
<br />
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/nOc6E8JCF0w" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
+### Peliculated
+The video for "Pelicuated" is a personal homage -- a collaboration with my dad post-mortem. This video is created from footage of his color 16mm short film of the same name, and the audio track was original composed with this footage in mind, as it was always a goal of ours to do audio/visual collaborations. The original 12 minute short was part of his graduate thesis at SFAI in the late 70's, depicting slice-of-life scenes from San Francisco, incorporated many of his original transfer and exposure inventions. The film won the 1978 New York Independent Film Festival. Since then, the original print has been lost. This video is my way of incorporating some of my favorite of his film visuals with my sounds, hopefully elevating both in the process. The entire piece was remastered and upscaled to 2k -- far more clear than the original NTSC/VGA footage telecine -- offering a glimpse of details in the footage that is chromatic, vivid, and painterly.
+Some of my earliest memories are of the creative chaos of my dads studio, exploring snippets of 8 and 16mm celluloid frame strips strewn on the floor edits or playing with the splicers, eventually learning how to clean film reels and learn the telecine for film to video transfer. Never one to be a medium purist, he would always dive head-first into new creative processes. He introduced me very early on to using computers as creative tool via an Amiga 1000 with Deluxe Paint, and later the Video Toaster. While computing can be conceived of as just an other tool in the toolbox, even since those early moments I contextualized computing as a creative method, a form of literacy, and a way of processing and thinking, which I continuing to embody to this day.
+- Video link [https://youtu.be/nOc6E8JCF0w](https://youtu.be/nOc6E8JCF0w)
+- Featuring footage from the original short film "PELICULATED MOVY mit Wipe, Tint & Flutterlap" © 1978 by David Michael Dunne
+- Edit and 2k Remaster by Gabriel Dunne
+- Audio: “Peliculated” by Stripe of Mirrors
+- Length: 4:04
+- Resolution: 1920 x 1440 (2k), 12fps, 4:3
<br />
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/R-uWxH40T-k" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
+### Taps
+"Taps" is one of the longer, internal and contemplative tracks on Subspectral featuring many rhythmic ringing overtones and layers. The animation for this piece was created by traveling within the latent space of the Stable Diffusion image model, but I never allow the model to resolve a specific image or recognizable object, nor use any color, so the result is an aimlessly transient spectral exploration that never arrives at a conclusion. Just as the brain thinks it recognizes an object or form, the image has moved on. In my process I generated thousands of images, and then explored the results and curated moments that to me resembled flora, ink blots, Rorschach tests, clouds, moods, spaces, and strange forms that seem uncomfortably inhuman but evocative. The piece is a metaphor for the undulating discomfort of growth and infinite introspection between spaces. It's a subliminal and subtle hallucination, like a synthetic dream that can't be shared with words but still resonates a feeling upon waking. I found glimpses of beauty in this strange uncomfortable unknown. I would ask myself what would happen if I were to intentionally steer directly into these strange areas, could I ever be comfortable within them? Perhaps the recognition of various generative procedures resolves in my mind as a type of process as I am exploring a new visual literacy with these new image models. After a while, the aesthetic artifacts and tendencies of the sampling method do became familiar, but still remain entirely synthetic, alien, and mysterious.
+- Video link: [https://youtu.be/R-uWxH40T-k](https://youtu.be/R-uWxH40T-k)
+- Animation by Gabriel Dunne
+- Audio: “Taps” by Stripe of Mirrors
+- Length: 9:46
+Resolution: 4096 x 4096 (True 4k), 12fps, 1:1
## email
-contact [at] gld [dot] studio
+studio [at] gabrieldunne [dot] com
## rss feed
## network
-## c/v
+## c/v
+### bio
+- 2018 Co-Founder/Partner, Okaynokay, CA USA
+- 2015 Artist in Residence, Autodesk, CA USA
+- 2014 — 2015 Creative Developer, Obscura Digital, CA SA
+- 2013 Designer and Software Engineer, TEEM, CA USA
+- 2010 — 2013 Youth Programming Instructor, Bay Area Video Coalition, CA USA
+- 2009 Co-Founding Artist in Resident, Gray Area Foundation for the Arts, CA USA
+- 2007 — 2009 Designer and Software Engineer, Stamen Design, CA USA
+- 2007 Designer and Programmer, Google Inc, CA
+- 2005 Chief Design Engineer, Tessellated Group, CA USA
+- 2004 — 2006 Code Artist, Graphic Software Developer, VFX Supervisor, Motion Theory, CA USA
+- 2003 B.A., Design + Media Arts, UCLA, CA USA
### selected performance
- 2022 02/25 Indexical, Santa Cruz CA
### discography
- 2023 Stripe of Mirrors - Subspectral
- 2019 GDSS - Self Titled
-### bio
-- 2018 Co-Founder/Partner, Okaynokay, CA USA
-- 2015 Artist in Residence, Autodesk, CA USA
-- 2014 — 2015 Creative Developer, Obscura Digital, CA SA
-- 2013 Designer and Software Engineer, TEEM, CA USA
-- 2010 — 2013 Youth Programming Instructor, Bay Area Video Coalition, CA USA
-- 2009 Co-Founding Artist in Resident, Gray Area Foundation for the Arts, CA USA
-- 2007 — 2009 Designer and Software Engineer, Stamen Design, CA USA
-- 2007 Designer and Software Engineer, Google Inc, CA
-- 2004 — 2006 Code Artist, Graphic Software Developer, VFX Supervisor, Motion Theory, CA USA
-- 2004 Designer, Tessellated Group, CA USA
-- 2003 B.A., Design + Media Arts, UCLA, CA USA
-- 2002 Experimental Print Design, Pont Avent School of Contemporary Art, France
-- 1999 Fine Arts + Architecture, College of Marin, CA USA
### residencies / collaborations
- 2018 Twilight Engines by Vishal K Dar (Okaynokay), Marin Headlands, CA
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echo "Building..."
-bundle exec jekyll build
+rm -rf _site
+bundle exec jekyll build --config _config.yml
echo "Syncing..."
-rsync -varz _site/ quilime@quilime.com:/home/quilime/gld.studio/public/ --delete $EXCLUDE
+rsync -varz _site/ quilime@quilime.com:/home/quilime/gabrieldunne.com/public/ --delete $EXCLUDE
--- /dev/null
+# set -x
+if [ $1 ] && [ $1 == "--nomedia" ]; then
+ echo "Publishing with --nomedia flag..."
+ EXCLUDE="--exclude ./m"
+# gld.studio
+echo "Building..."
+rm -rf _site
+bundle exec jekyll build --config _config.studio.yml
+echo "Syncing..."
+rsync -varz _site/ quilime@quilime.com:/home/quilime/gld.studio/public/ --delete $EXCLUDE
-bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config.local.yml
+bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config.local.yml --port 4001