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+Gabriel Labov Dunne (b. 1981, San Francisco) works with multiple mediums and technologies to explore audiovisual vibration, space, structures, and rhythms of the perceivable and imperceivable universe. His multi-disciplinary art and design work has shown internationally in solo and group exhibitions, performances, galleries, public space, and is featured in interactive software, music videos, sound works, and film projects.\r
+<br />\r
+[email](mailto:studio@gabrieldunne.com) \r
+[blog](http://quilime.com) \r
+<br />\r
+###### edu\r
+2003 B.A. Design | Media Art, UCLA \r
+2001 Pont Aven School of Art \r
+1999 College of Marin \r
+<br />\r
+###### exhibition\r
+2013 SOMArts NightLight, San Francisco CA \r
+2013 ArtHackDay, San Francisco CA \r
+2012 Audio ShaderToy, Creators Project, San Francisco, CA \r
+2012 NAAG. Delhi, India \r
+2010 PROTOTYPE, Gray Area, San Francisco CA \r
+2010 Powers of 10, Gray Area, San Francisco, CA \r
+2010 Seaquence, Gray Area, San Francisco CA \r
+2008 Cabspotting, Stamen Design, Design and the Elastic Mind, NYC MoMA Permanent Collection. New York, NY \r
+2006 SIGGRAPH, Boston \r
+2006 Interferenze: Naturalis Electronica, Valle Caudina, Italy \r
+2006 Festival Sonar, Barcelona, Spain \r
+2005 SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles \r
+2005 :Output Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands \r
+2005 CiberArt: International Festival of New Technologies, Bilbao, Spain \r
+2003 Sur(Face), UCLA, Los Angeles, CA \r
+2003 Eyberrations Digital Film Festival, Irvine, CA \r
+2002 Melbourne International Film Festival, Melbourne, Australia \r
+2002 Experimental Works On Paper, Rennes, France \r
+2002 Jaquez Gallery Collection, Pont Aven, France \r
+2002 narr@tive: Digital Storytelling, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles \r
+2002 "Monster", UCLA DMA Student Show, Los Angeles, CA\r
+<br />\r
+<br />\r
+###### performance\r
+2013 Vatica Dahlia "Rites", Brooklyn, NY \r
+2013 ATOM TM, Live Visuals, San Francisco, CA \r
+2012 UP Festival, Live Visuals, San Francisco, CA \r
+2012 CCRMA Modulations, San Francisco, CA \r
+2011 Sepalcure, Shigeto, Simple & Santa. Live visuals. Gray Area, San Francisco, CA \r
+2011 ICOSI, Milieux Sonores: Sound and Imaginary Space, GAFFTA, San Francisco, CA \r
+2010 ICOSI, Biennial of the Americas. Denver, CO\r
+<br />\r
+<br />\r
+###### residencies / collaborations\r
+2011—2012 Studio Collaboration w/ Vishal K. Dar, New Delhi, India. \r
+2009—2010 Gray Area Foundation for the Arts, San Francisco\r
+<br />\r
+<br />\r
+###### teaching / lectures\r
+2012 Film/Code/Remix, BAVC, San Francisco \r
+2012 Processing, ACCU, Symantic, Palo Alto \r
+2012 Processing, ACCU Davis Linux Users Group, Davis, CA \r
+2011 Open Source: Creative Code. BAVC, San Francisco, \r
+2011 Processing 101 Workshop, GAFFTA, San Francisco, \r
+2010 Open Source: Creative Code. BAVC, San Francisco, \r
+2010 Prototype: Resident Artist Symposium, GAFFTA, San Francisco \r
+2010 Creative Coding: Introduction to Processing, GAFFTA, San Francisco \r
+2009 Creative Coding: Introduction to Processing, GAFFTA, San Francisco \r
+2009 Introduction to Processing, GAFFTA, San Francisco \r
+2007 Introduction to Processing. Makers Faire, San Mateo \r
+2005 Programming and Design, UCLA student workshops, Los Angeles \r
+2004 Maya Student Workshop Series, UCLA, Los Angeles \r
+2003 Typography Workshop Series, UCLA, Los Angeles \r
+2003 Adobe Software Workshop Series, Maya/Photoshop/Illustrator/After Effects. UCLA, Los Angeles \r
+2002 Flash/Director Workshop Series, UCLA, Los Angeles\r
+<br />\r
+<br />\r
+###### featured in \r
+Creators Project \r
+Discover Magazine \r
+Wired \r
+MIT Aerospace Annual \r
+A'minima #17 \r
+FOCUS Italia \r
+AD: Architectural Digest \r
+Contemporary Art of Science and Technology \r
+Art College Radio SF \r
+HDRI Magazine\r
+<br />\r
+<br />\r
+###### professional\r
+Obscura Digital \r
+BAVC \r
+Tessellated Group \r
+Gray Area \r
+Stamen Design \r
+Google \r
+Motion Theory \r
+<br />\r
+###### professional\r
+2010— Bay Area Video Coalition. Youth Instructor \r
+2005— Tessellated Group. Designer \r
+2009—2010 Gray Area Foundation for the Arts. Studio Director \r
+2008—2009 Stamen Design. Data Visualization \r
+2007—2008 Google. Data Visualization \r
+2004—2006 Motion Theory. Designer, Animator\r
+<br />\r
+<br />\r
+###### awards\r
+Creative Review Best in Show 2005, Beck "Girl", MotionTheory \r
+Type Directors Award, Nike "Golf", MotionTheory \r
+AIGA, Hewlett Packard "It Consolidates", MotionTheory \r
+AICP, Hewlett Packard "Hands", MotionTheory \r
+Screen Network Australia Best in Show, "The Pik Me Up" \r
+Shorttakes Film Festival, Best Visual Effects, "The Mirror"\r
+<br />\r
+<br />\r
+2004 Text + Architecture & Writing in Architecture, SCIARC, Los Angeles \r
+2003 narr@tive: Digital Storytelling, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles\r
+**websites** \r
+2011 Duran Duran "All You Need Is Now" http://now.gaffta.org \r
+2010 Seaquence http://seaquence.org \r
+2007 Motion Theory [link]\r
+<br />\r
+<br />\r
+**commercials** \r
+Budwieser "Superbowl", Motion Theory \r
+Budwieser "The Game", Motion Theory \r
+Nike "One", Motion Theory\r
+<br />\r
+<br />\r
+**shorts** \r
+RestFest 2003 Opener, Motion Theory \r
+The Mirror\r
+<br />\r
+<br />\r
+**music videos** \r
+Beck "Girl", Motion Theory \r
+Papa Roach "Getting Away With Murder", Motion Theory\r
+<br />\r
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