+++ /dev/null
-import json, sys, os, time
-import subprocess, sqlite3
-import magic
-colors = {}
-colors['yellow'] = '\033[0;33m'
-colors['green'] = '\033[0;92m'
-colors['purple'] = '\033[0;95m'
-colors['red'] = '\033[0;91m'
-colors['blue'] = '\033[0;94m'
-colors['end'] = '\033[0m'
-video_types = [ 'video/mp4' ]
-image_types = [ 'image/jpg' ]
-db = None
-_DATABASE_ = 'agg.db'
-def main():
- # init DB
- try:
- db = sqlite3.connect(_DATABASE_)
- initdb(db);
- except sqlite3.Error, e:
- print "Error %s:" % e.args[0]
- sys.exit(1)
- finally:
- if db:
- db.close()
- # system arguments
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- exit()
- if len(sys.argv) == 3:
- media_path = sys.argv[2]
- media_filename = os.path.split(sys.argv[2])[-1]
- action = sys.argv[1]
- if action == "push-data":
- # upload database
- print green + "Uploading database to s3..." + colors['end']
- cmd = ( "s3cmd put -v --acl-public --guess-mime-type agg.db " +
- s3_bucket + _DATABASE_ )
- print cmd
- os.system(cmd);
- elif action == "pull-data":
- # download database
- print colors['green'] + "Downloading database from s3..." + colors['end']
- cmd = "s3cmd get --force " + s3_bucket + _DATABASE_
- print cmd
- os.system(cmd);
- elif action == "ul" :
- # upload media
- # determine file type and distinguish if it's an image or a video
- mime = magic.from_file(media_path, mime=True)
- print colors['yellow'] + "type\t" + colors['end'] + mime
- if (mime in video_types):
- folder = "v/"
- elif (mime in image_types):
- folder = "i/"
- else:
- print colors['red'] + "File is unsupported mime-type" + colors['end']
- # check to see if media file already exists
- p = subprocess.Popen("s3cmd ls " + s3_bucket + folder + media_filename,
- shell=True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
- for line in p.stdout.readlines():
- print line,
- print colors['red'] + "File exists." + colors['end']
- exit()
- retval = p.wait()
- # start new entry
- new_entry = {}
- new_entry['link'] = get_user_input("link ")
- new_entry['title'] = get_user_input("title ")
- new_entry['desc'] = get_user_input("desc ")
- new_entry['name'] = media_filename
- new_entry['url'] = s3_url + "v/" + media_filename
- new_entry['mime'] = mime
- print colors['green'] + "Entering data in db" + colors['end']
- try:
- db = sqlite3.connect(_DATABASE_)
- cur = db.cursor()
- cur.execute("INSERT INTO entries VALUES(NULL, DATETIME('NOW'), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( new_entry['link'], new_entry['title'], new_entry['desc'], new_entry['name'], new_entry['mime'], new_entry['url']))
- db.commit()
- data = cur.fetchone()
- print data
- except sqlite3.Error, e:
- print "Error %s:" % e.args[0]
- sys.exit(1)
- finally:
- if db:
- db.close()
- print colors['green'] + "Uploading to s3..." + colors['end']
- cmd = "s3cmd put --acl-public --guess-mime-type " + media_path + " " + s3_bucket + folder + media_filename
- print cmd
- os.system(cmd);
- #print colors['purple'] + json.dumps(new_entry, indent = 2) + colors['end']
- # download media via youtube-dl
- elif action == "dl":
- print "download"
-def initdb(db):
- cur = db.cursor()
- cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entries(" +
- "_id integer primary key autoincrement, " +
- "created date default CURRENT_DATE, " +
- "link TEXT, " +
- "title TEXT, " +
- "desc TEXT, " +
- "name TEXT, " +
- "url TEXT, " +
- "mime TEXT" +
- ")")
-def sqliteVersion(db):
- cur = db.cursor()
- cur.execute('SELECT SQLITE_VERSION()')
- data = cur.fetchone()
- print "SQLite version: %s" % data
-def get_user_input(question):
- while True :
- sys.stdout.write(colors['yellow'] + question + "\t" + colors['end'])
- choice = raw_input()
- return choice
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()