--- /dev/null
+title = icosi tech rider
+date = 2010-06-10
+Tech rider for installation.
+[![](/media/blog/rider_02_t.png)](/media/blog/rider_02.png) [![](/media/blog/rider_01_t.png)](/media/blog/rider_01.png)
+Slight adjustments have been made to the scale. The sides of the center equilateral are now 29', resulting in a shape that's ~7.4' in diameter.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+tags = fabrication, construction, icosi, installation, design
+title = icosi fabrication
+date = 2010-07-01
+Fabrication progress for an audiovisual installation. The form is a based on section of a squished icosidodecahedron (scaled on the z-axis by 0.5). The form will act as a projection surface for visual software, which will be produced after fabrication is complete.
+<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/quilime/4743498955/" title="view on flickr">
+<img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4077/4743498955_d8d524bd27.jpg" /></a>
+<br />
+A laser-cut a small working model.
+<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/quilime/4744981890/" title="view on flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4142/4744981890_2a41c9f374.jpg" /></a><br />
+Custom jig for slicing the angles.
+<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/quilime/4769443639/in/photostream/"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4076/4769443639_728b077b3a.jpg" /></a><br />
+Priming the panels, readying them to be stretched with screen-fabric.
--- /dev/null
+title = icosi fabrication 2
+date = 2010-07-07
+tags = icosi fabrication
+Assembly test w/stretched panels in the studio.
+Assembly test.
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-title = icosi fabrication
-tags = fabrication design installation
-date = 2010-07-07
-icosi fabrication
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+title = Chapter and Verse
+date = 2010-06-01
+I will be [performing](http://www.biennialoftheamericas.org/artists/gabriel-dunne) an audiovisual installation July 29th in [Chapter and Verse](http://www.biennialoftheamericas.org/events/month/7/day/29) as part of the venue "Nature of Things", a part of the Biennial of the Americas in Denver, CO.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+title = bay area transit
+desc = data visualization
+date = 08/03/2007
+thumb = media/projects/bay_area_transit/thumb.png
+A conceptual route-map display proposal for the San Francisco Transbay Terminal project, developed with <a href="http://www,stamen.com">Stamen</a> for <a href="http://www.som.com/">Skidmore, Owings & Merill</a>.
+Bay Area transit are visualized from routes and station locations.
+Each route is represented as its geographic path, extruded upwards in 3D space by time. Early
+morning routes are closer to the map base, later routes are higher. Bart routes are
+colored blue, SFMTA/MUNI routes are colored in red.
+Created with <a href="http://processing.org">Processing</a>.
+<div class="caption">
+Eastbay BART route
+<br />
+<div class="caption">
+Pittsburg/Bay Point Station Daily BART Route
+<br />
+[![BART sf](http://dev.gabrieldunne.com/media/projects/bay_area_transit/images/thumbs/bart_sf.png)](
+<div class="caption">
+Richmond Station BART
+<br />
+[![BART sf](http://dev.gabrieldunne.com/media/projects/bay_area_transit/images/thumbs/muni_route10.png)](
+<div class="caption">
+SF MUNI <a href="http://www.sfmta.com/cms/asystem/routedesc.php?rted=10">Route 10</a>
+<br />
+[![BART sf](http://dev.gabrieldunne.com/media/projects/bay_area_transit/images/thumbs/muni_route22.png)](
+<div class="caption">
+SF MUNI <a href="http://www.sfmta.com/cms/asystem/routedesc.php?rted=22">Route 22</a>
+<br />
+[![BART sf](http://dev.gabrieldunne.com/media/projects/bay_area_transit/images/thumbs/some_muni_and_bart.png)](
+<div class="caption">
+All San Francisco BART and MUNI routes layered additively.
+<br />
+<br />
+Stop Frequency
+Transit route frequency is represented by station scale.
+[![BART sf](http://dev.gabrieldunne.com/media/projects/bay_area_transit/images/thumbs/stop_frequency_bay_area.png)](
+http://dev.gabrieldunne.com/media/projects/bay_area_transit/images/thumbs_lg/stop_frequency_bay_area.png)<div class="caption">
+Bay Area stop frequency (BART and MUNI, daily)
+<br />
+<?php qt(array('file' => $base_dir . "/movies/frequency_bayarea.mov", 'width' => 700, 'height' => 415)); ?>
+<div class="caption">
+[video/mov] The bay area represented by transit stop frequency over a 24 hour period. Busier stops are downtown on Market street and transit depots.
+<br />
+[![BART sf](http://dev.gabrieldunne.com/media/projects/bay_area_transit/images/thumbs/stop_frequency_sf.png)](
+http://dev.gabrieldunne.com/media/projects/bay_area_transit/images/thumbs_lg/stop_frequency_sf.png)<div class="caption">
+<div class="caption">
+San Francisco stop frequency (BART and MUNI, daily).
+<?php qt(array('file' => $base_dir . "/movies/stop_frequency_sf.mov", 'width' => 700, 'height' => 415)); ?>
+<div class="caption">
+[video/mov] The shape of San Francisco is instantly recognizable, represented by transit station stop frequency in one day.
+[more, via Stamen . . .](http://content.stamen.com/som_transbay_tower)
+++ /dev/null
-title = placeholder project
-date = 2010-07-07
-test project
\ No newline at end of file
email: studio@gabrieldunne.com
phone: +1 415 493 8496
loc: san francisco, ca
-also: [quilime.com](http://quilime.com)
+other: [quilime.com](http://quilime.com)
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--- /dev/null
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<li><a href="/cv/">cv</a></li>
+ <br />
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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