title = Maya render bat batch file
tags = maya render bat
date = 2010-07-07
+hidden = true
*.bat file structure
<pre class="prettyprint">
REM // .bat comment syntax
C:\Progra~1\Autodesk\Maya2010\bin\render -s 1 -e 30 -im output_image myscene.ma
C:\Progra~1\Autodesk\Maya2010\bin\render -s 1 -e 30 -im output_image2 anotherscene.ma
-Maya directory must be the 8.3 character DOS version. To execute the file, save as a *.bat and double click it in Explorer.
+The path to render.exe must be the 8.3 character DOS version.
+To execute the file, save as a *.bat and double click it in Explorer.
<pre class="prettyprint">
// Render Flags
usage: Render <options> <filename>
where <filename> is a Maya ASCII or a Maya Binary file.
startFrame -s <float> starting frame for an animation sequence
lang = bash
- Shell script that slices a single image into any number of vertical and horizontal sections.
+Shell script that slices a single image into any number of vertical and horizontal sections.
-<pre class="prettyprint lang-bash">#!/bin/bash
-#copyright: 2009
-#author: gabriel dunne
-#url: quilime.com
+<pre class="prettyprint">#!/bin/bash
+#@author gabriel dunne <quilime.com>
-<h2>To Use</h2>
- <ol>
- <li>navigate to slice.sh in your terminal and do
- <br />
- <pre class="prettyprint lang-bash">$ chmod 775 slice.sh
+##To Use
+navigate to slice.sh in your terminal and do
+<pre class="prettyprint">$ chmod 775 slice.sh
$ ./slice.sh Sunset.jpg 800 600 16 16</pre>
- </li>
- <li>replace <strong>Sunset.jpg</strong> with your image name.</li>
- <li>vars: <strong>Image Height, Image Width, Vertical Divisions, Horizontal Divisions</strong></li>
- </ol>
\ No newline at end of file
+replace **Sunset.jpg** with your image name.
+params: **Image Height, Image Width, Vertical Divisions, Horizontal Divisions**
+ <br />
\ No newline at end of file
title = relative_time
date = 2010-01-13
-tags = time, inspiration
+tags = time inspiration jpg
-<img src="http://media.quilime.com/aggregate/agg/relativity_visualized__relative_time.jpg"/>
+!["relative time"](http://media.quilime.com/aggregate/agg/relativity_visualized__relative_time.jpg)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+tags = icosi installation performance projection
+title = icosi
+date = 2010-07-29
$recursive = isset($args['recursive']) ? $args['recursive'] : 1;
$order_by = empty($args['order_by']) ? null : $args['order_by'];
$order = empty($args['order']) ? SORT_DESC : $args['order'];
$path = LOCAL_ROOT . CONTENT_DIR . $path;
if ($recursive) {
$iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME);
$config = "";
$content = "";
+ $content_short = "";
$passed_config = false;
$file_contents = file($fileInfo->getRealPath(), FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH);
foreach ( $file_contents as $line ) {
$config .= $line;
+ if (trim($line) == MORE_DELIM) {
+ $passed_more = true;
+ }
+ if (!$passed_more) {
+ $content_short .= $line;
+ }
$content .= $line;
$file['timestamp'] = $file['config']['date'] ? date('U', strtotime( $file['config']['date'])) : $fileInfo->getCTime();
$file['tags'] = $file['config']['tags'] ? explode(" ", $file['config']['tags']) : null;
$file['content'] = Markdown($content);
+ if ($passed_more)
+ $file['content_short'] = Markdown($content_short);
$cat = clean_slashes(str_replace(LOCAL_ROOT . CONTENT_DIR, "", $fileInfo->getPath()));
$file['cat'] = $page ? null : array('name' => substr($cat,1), 'url' => $cat.'/' );
$file['path'] = $fileInfo->getRealPath();
markdown = true
## friends and inspiration
-+ [stephanie sherriff](http://ssherriff.com) →
-+ [ryan alexander](http://onecm.com) →
-+ [daniel massey](http://oddsympathy.com) →
-+ [joshua nimoy](http://jtnimoy.net) →
-+ [keith pasko](http://keithpasko.com) →
-+ [jeff lubow](http://dabkitsch.com/jml/) →
-+ [carbon workshop (gustavo huber & shelly brown)](http://carbonworkshop.com) →
-+ [sascha pohflepp](http://pohflepp.com) →
-+ [mylinh trieu](http://mylinhtrieu.com) →
-+ [aaron meyers](http://universaloscillation.com) →
-+ [tom carden](http://tom-carden.co.uk) →
-+ [michal migurski](http://mike.teczno.com) →
-+ [adam roth](http://ripevessel.com) →
-+ [david rager](http://davidrager.org) →
-+ [marc nimoy](http://digitanalog.net) →
-+ [matthew gale](http://makaga.com) →
-+ [frédéric eyl](http://fredericeyl.de) →
-+ [the green eyl](http://thegreeneyl.com) →
\ No newline at end of file
++ stephanie sherriff [ssherriff.com](http://ssherriff.com)
++ ryan alexander [onecm.com](http://onecm.com)
++ daniel massey [oddsympathy.com](http://oddsympathy.com)
++ joshua nimoy [jtnimoy.net](http://jtnimoy.net)
++ keith pasko [keithpasko.com](http://keithpasko.com)
++ jeff lubow [dabkitsch.com/jml/](http://dabkitsch.com/jml/)
++ carbon workshop [carbonworkshop.com](http://carbonworkshop.com)
++ sascha pohflep [pohflepp.com](http://pohflepp.com)
++ mylinh trieu [mylinhtrieu.com](http://mylinhtrieu.com)
++ aaron meyers [universaloscillation.com](http://universaloscillation.com)
++ tom carden [tom-carden.co.uk](http://tom-carden.co.uk)
++ michal migurski [mike.teczno.co](http://mike.teczno.com)
++ adam roth [ripevessel.com](http://ripevessel.com)
++ david rager [davidrager.org](http://davidrager.org)
++ marc nimoy [digitanalog.net](http://digitanalog.net)
++ matthew gale [makaga.com](http://makaga.com)
++ frédéric eyl [fredericeyl.de](http://fredericeyl.de)
++ the green eyl [thegreeneyl.com](http://thegreeneyl.com)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+title = projects
+### past portfolio(s)
+[works 4](http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/)
+[works 3](http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php)
+[works 2](http://portfolio.quilime.com/recent.html)
+[works 1](http://quilime.com/main.php)
+<br />
+### selected projects
+[Tessellated Group](http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=tessellated)
+[Cabspotting w/Stame](http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=cabspotting)
+[Bay Area Transit w/Stamen](http://content.stamen.com/som_transbay_tower)
+[Swim Tank](http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php?p=05_Swim_Tank)
+[Sempernull (prog)](http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php?p=04_Stars)
+[Rattles (prog)](http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php?p=03_Rattles)
+[Celestial Mechanics](http://portfolio.quilime.com/content/cm/index.html)
+[Weekly France](http://quilime.com/content/fr_weekly)
+[Body Negative](http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=bodyneg)
+[Nos Reves](http://portfolio.quilime.com/content/nosreves/index.html)
+[Icarus and Daedalus](http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=icarus)
\ No newline at end of file
h3 { margin:0 0 0 0; }
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-.nav a { }
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.nav ul { margin-left:1em; }
.nav h1 { }
require_once '../lib/init.php';
$url = get_url();
+++ /dev/null
-/* Pretty printing styles. Used with prettify.js. */
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<div id="content">
<? foreach($data as $entry): ?>
- <? $this->include_template('entry.html.tpl', array('data' => $entry)); ?>
+ <?
+ if ($entry['content_short'])
+ $entry['content'] = $entry['content_short'] . '<br /><a class="more" href="'.$entry['url'].'">more →</a><br /><br />';
+ $this->include_template('entry.html.tpl', array('data' => $entry));
+ ?>
<? endforeach; ?>
<? $this->include_template('head-inc.html.tpl') ?>
+ <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=/log/">
<div id="content">
- this is the index template
+<br />
+<br />
+<br />
+<br />
+<br />
+← navigation