-title = arch linux install blog
+title = Archlinux Installation
date = 2012-01-02
tags = arch linux windows installation tutorial
--- /dev/null
+template = projects
--- /dev/null
+title = Statement 2008
+date = 01-11-2007
+This collection of work was done in the last 10 months and represents my explorations in visual software and musical expression, as well as an implied direction for my future work.
+ Some of the pieces are tools that would be used to create musical soundscapes. When using these software instruments such as <a href="?p=01_Dots">Dots</a>, <a href="?p=02_Jellyfish">Jellyfish</a>, <a href="?p=03_Rattles">Rattles</a>, <a href="?p=06_Web">Web</a> the visual aspect of the instruments are integrated: both the visual and the sound of the instruments make up the experience. While the audio and visual elements are linked, they are not audio visualizers, rather, they are visual instruments used to create sound.
+ Two of the pieces do not have an audio component, as their primary focus is a spacial experience. <a href="?=05_Swim_Tank">Swim Tank</a> gives you control of an object that has freedom of movement and leaves a trail. As the object is rhythmically guided forward and backward, it allows you to interact with your previously drawn path and decisions. Your gain perspective as you get to the furthest end of your trail, allowing you to interact with all your past movements over the course of your experience.
+ <a href="?p=04_Stars">Stars</a> is also an exploration space, allowing you to experience the transition between macro and micro in an environment of infinite/finite scale. As you move through the space, your scope and perspective widens and transcends while space becomes infinitely big and infinitely small simultaneously, distorting time, scale and perspective.
+ I forsee the next step in this work would be to translate the screen-based environments into the physical world by means of sculpture, installation. I view this software as simple conceptual sketches that point in the direction of physical works that follow the same philosophy.
+Gabriel Dunne
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title = about
quilime is a codification of process, resource, and code by **gabriel dunne** ([www](http://gabrieldunne.com), [email](mailto:gdunne@quilime.com))
<br />elsewhere:
site update <a href="http://quilime.com/.rss" class="rss">rss</a>
-quilime is built on <a href="http://git.quilime.com/?p=plog.git;a=summary">plog</a> (project+log), a minimal CMS.
+quilime is powered by <a href="http://git.quilime.com/?p=plog.git;a=summary">plog</a> (project+log), a static-file CMS.
type = page
markdown = true
-+ gabriel dunne [gabrieldunne.com](http://gabrieldunne.com)
-+ stephanie sherriff [ssherriff.com](http://ssherriff.com)
-+ ryan alexander [onecm.com](http://onecm.com)
-+ joshua nimoy [jtnimoy.net](http://jtnimoy.net)
-+ daniel massey [oddsympathy.com](http://oddsympathy.com)
-+ keith pasko [keithpasko.com](http://keithpasko.com)
-+ jeff lubow [dabkitsch.com/jml/](http://dabkitsch.com/jml/)
-+ michael chang [ghost-hack.com](http://ghost-hack.com)
-+ sascha pohflep [pohflepp.com](http://pohflepp.com)
-+ mylinh trieu [mylinhtrieu.com](http://mylinhtrieu.com)
-+ aaron meyers [universaloscillation.com](http://universaloscillation.com)
-+ tom carden [tom-carden.co.uk](http://tom-carden.co.uk)
-+ michal migurski [mike.teczno.co](http://mike.teczno.com)
-+ adam roth [ripevessel.com](http://ripevessel.com)
-+ david rager [davidrager.org](http://davidrager.org)
-+ marc nimoy [digitanalog.net](http://digitanalog.net)
-+ matthew gale [makaga.com](http://makaga.com)
-+ frédéric eyl [fredericeyl.de](http://fredericeyl.de)
-+ the green eyl [thegreeneyl.com](http://thegreeneyl.com)
-<br />
-<br />
++ [gabrieldunne.com](http://gabrieldunne.com) gabriel dunne
++ [ssherriff.com](http://ssherriff.com) stephanie sherriff
++ [onecm.com](http://onecm.com) ryan alexander
++ [jtnimoy.net](http://jtnimoy.net) joshua nimoy
++ [oddsympathy.com](http://oddsympathy.com) daniel massey
++ [keithpasko.com](http://keithpasko.com) keith pasko
++ [dabkitsch.com/jml/](http://dabkitsch.com/jml/) jeff lubow
++ [carbonworkshop.com](http://carbonworkshop.com) gustavo huber, shelly brown
++ [ghost-hack.com](http://ghost-hack.com) michael chang
++ [pohflepp.com](http://pohflepp.com) sascha pohflep
++ [mylinhtrieu.com](http://mylinhtrieu.com) mylinh trieu
++ [universaloscillation.com](http://universaloscillation.com) aaron meyers
++ [tom-carden.co.uk](http://tom-carden.co.uk) tom carden
++ [mike.teczno.co](http://mike.teczno.com) michal migurski
++ [ripevessel.com](http://ripevessel.com) adam roth
++ [davidrager.org](http://davidrager.org) david rager
++ [digitanalog.net](http://digitanalog.net) marc nimoy
++ [makaga.com](http://makaga.com) matthew gale
++ [fredericeyl.de](http://fredericeyl.de) frédéric eyl
++ [thegreeneyl.com](http://thegreeneyl.com) the green eyl
-+ carbon workshop [carbonworkshop.com](http://carbonworkshop.com)
-+ gray area foundation for the arts [gaffta.org](http://gaffta.org)
-+ bay area video coalition [bavc.org](http://bavc.org)
++ [gaffta.org](http://gaffta.org) gray area foundation for the arts
++ [bavc.org](http://bavc.org) bay area video coalition
title = projects
+### current work
+<br />
### past portfolio(s)
[works 4](http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/)
[works 3](http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php)
[Body Negative](http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=bodyneg)
[Nos Reves](http://portfolio.quilime.com/content/nosreves/index.html)
[Icarus and Daedalus](http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=icarus)
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="metadata">
- posted <abbr title="<?=get_relative_time($data['timestamp']);?>"><?=date("F d, Y", $data['timestamp'])?></abbr>
- in <a href="<?=$data['cat']['url'];?>"><?=$data['cat']['name'];?></a> filed as <? if ($data['tags']) echo implode(', ', $data['tags']); ?>
+ <abbr title="<?=get_relative_time($data['timestamp']);?>"><?=date("F d, Y", $data['timestamp'])?></abbr>
+ in <a href="<?=$data['cat']['url'];?>"><?=$data['cat']['name'];?></a><? if ($data['tags']) echo ' filed as ' . implode(', ', $data['tags']); ?>
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<div id="content">
- <td class="column" valign="top">
- <h3><a href="/code/">code</a></h3>
+ <td style="padding-right:100px;" valign="top">
+ <h3>code</h3>
<? foreach($data as $entry):
if ($entry['cat']['name'] == 'code') : ?>
<div>• <a href="<?=$entry['url'];?>"><?=$entry['title'];?></a></div>
- <td class="column" valign="top">
- <h3><a href="/log/">'blog</a></h3>
+ <td valign="top">
+ <h3>(b)log</h3>
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<div>• <a href="<?=$entry['url'];?>"><?=date('Y m d', $entry['timestamp']);?> — <?=$entry['title'];?></a></div>
<? endif;
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- <br />
<a class="rss" href="/log/.rss">rss</a>, <a class="more" href="/log/">more →</a>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ <div>
+ <h3>projects</h3>
+ <br />
+ <br />
- <td class="column" valign="top">
- <h3><a href="/projects/">projects</a></h3>
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+ <div class="thumb"></div>
+ <?=$entry['title'];?>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ <? endif;
+ endforeach; ?>
+ <!--
• <a href="http://git.quilime.com/?p=plog.git">plog</a> - project+log CMS<br />
• <a href="https://github.com/quilime/clmpr">clmpr</a> - minimal bookmarking site<br />
<br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=rattle">Rattles</a><br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=sempernull">Sempernull</a><br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=synonymovement">Synonymovement</a><br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=cabspotting">Cabspotting</a><br />
- • <a href="http://content.stamen.com/som_transbay_tower">Bay Area Transit</a><br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=mask">Mask</a><br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=prism">Prism</a><br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php?p=01_Dots">Dots</a><br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php?p=02_Jellyfish">Jelly</a><br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php?p=05_Swim_Tank">Swim Tank</a><br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php?p=06_Web">Web</a><br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php?p=04_Stars">Sempernull</a><br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php?p=03_Rattles">Rattles</a><br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/content/daschtein/index.html">Dachstein</a><br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/content/cm/index.html">Celestial Mechanics</a><br />
- • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/content/valentine/index.html">Valentine</a><br />
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
+ • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=rattle">Rattles</a> - software<br />
+ • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=sempernull">Sempernull</a> - projection<br />
+ • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=synonymovement">Synonymovement</a> - projection<br />
+ • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=cabspotting">Cabspotting</a> - data visualization<br />
+ • <a href="http://content.stamen.com/som_transbay_tower">Bay Area Transit</a> - data visualization<br />
+ • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=mask">Mask</a> - painting<br />
+ • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/2008/?p=prism">Prism</a> - painting<br />
+ • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php?p=01_Dots">Dots</a> - software<br />
+ • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php?p=02_Jellyfish">Jelly</a> - software<br />
+ • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php?p=05_Swim_Tank">Swim Tank</a> - software<br />
+ • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/new/port.php?p=06_Web">Web</a> - software<br />
+ • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/content/daschtein/index.html">Dachstein</a> - installation<br />
+ • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/content/cm/index.html">Celestial Mechanics</a> - dome-based animation<br />
+ • <a href="http://portfolio.quilime.com/content/valentine/index.html">Valentine</a> - software<br />
+ -->
+ </div>
<div id="content">
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