--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
++title = Process [B]Log
++date = 2010-05-29
++First post.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
++title = Chapter and Verse
++date = 2010-06-01
++[Performing](http://www.biennialoftheamericas.org/artists/gabriel-dunne) a new audiovisual project **July 29th** in [Chapter and Verse](http://www.biennialoftheamericas.org/events/month/7/day/29) as part of "Nature of Things", for the Biennial of the Americas in Denver, CO.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
++title = ICOSI Tech Rider
++date = 2010-06-10
++Tech rider developed for new project:
--- /dev/null
-Fabrication progress for an audiovisual installation. The form is a based on section of a squished icosidodecahedron (scaled on the z-axis by 0.5). The form will act as a projection surface for visual software, which will be produced after fabrication is complete.
+ tags = fabrication, construction, icosi, installation, design
+ title = icosi fabrication
+ date = 2010-07-01
+ --
++Fabrication process for ICOSI projection surface. The form is a section of an icosidodecahedron (scaled on the z-axis by 0.5).
+ <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/quilime/4743498955/" title="view on flickr">
+ <img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4077/4743498955_d8d524bd27.jpg" /></a>
+ <br />
+ A laser-cut a small working model.
+ <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/quilime/4744981890/" title="view on flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4142/4744981890_2a41c9f374.jpg" /></a><br />
+ Custom jig for slicing the angles.
+ <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/quilime/4769443639/in/photostream/"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4076/4769443639_728b077b3a.jpg" /></a><br />
+ Priming the panels, readying them to be stretched with screen-fabric.
--- /dev/null
-Assembly test w/stretched panels in the studio.
+ title = icosi fabrication 2
+ date = 2010-07-07
+ tags = icosi fabrication
+ --
+ [![img](http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4140/4773799092_75e68e4e66.jpg)](http://www.flickr.com/photos/quilime/4773799092/)
++Assembly test w/stretched panels in the studio (just hanging).
+ [![](http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4123/4773722288_dd579b9956.jpg)](http://www.flickr.com/photos/quilime/4773722288/in/photostream/)
+ Assembly test.
--- /dev/null
-title = denver biennial
++title = ICOSI
+ tags = perf install projection vis aud
+ notes = this might need to be split up into a few posts
+ date = 2010-07-29
+ --
-Audiovisual installation.
++<img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4110/4847387674_5419f0b672.jpg" />
-The software and audio toolset was developed over three weeks leading up to the performance. The performance dramatically split my focus into two places (playing music, changing visuals), which was a juggle that I wasn't anticipating, as I was developing the visual software on one split-screen before the performance. Inspired to continue pursuing interfaces and controllers to overcome the separation of creating audio and visuals simultaneously.
++*ICOSI* is an audio/visual sculptural performance which was shown at the Biennial of the Americas, Denver CO, 2010.
++audio synthesis created with Ablton Live/Max/MSP, custom software (OPENGL, Processing). Custom surface fabrication
++dimensions: 230cm x 230 cm (7.9' x 7.9')
++The software and audio toolset was developed over three weeks leading up to the performance. The performance dramatically split my focus into two places (music and visuals), which was a juggle that I didn't fully anticipate as I was developing the visual software on one split-screen before the performance. Inspired to continue pursuing interfaces and controllers to overcome the separation of creating audio and visuals simultaneously.
+ The multiple mediums (sculpture, sound, visual media) of this particular project was fascinating. Each iteration represents a process of my own curiosities in technology, consciousness, spirituality, design, and fabrication.
+ The piece represents my practice and experiences in regards to my own spiritual growth and experience. Geometrically, the form is inspired by sacred polyhedra that represent forms of transition. The choice of an [icosidodecahedron](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icosidodecahedron) represents transition of two frequencies, represented by an [icosahedron](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icosahedron) and its dual polyhedron, a [dodecahedron](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodecahedron).
+ The form is composed of 7 panels trimmed and scaled from a full icosidodecahedron. The visuals follow the structure of the form nearly explicitly, with the exception of textural elements.
+ The inclusion of the Merkaba/Star Tetrahedron represents an inspiration for the visuals. The Merkaba, a dual spinning pyramid, represents a spiritual light vehicle used by the ancients to transcend to and contact spiritual realms. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another. [[1]](http://www.crystalinks.com/merkaba.html)
-[more via flickr →](http://www.flickr.com/photos/quilime/sets/72157624499344281/with/4847387648/)
++[more photos via flickr →](http://www.flickr.com/photos/quilime/sets/72157624499344281/with/4847387648/)
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
++title = Seaquence
++tags = seaquence flash
++notes = this might need to be split up into a few posts
++date = 2010-10-04
++Alpha release of [Seaquence: A experimental web-based musical ecosystem](http://seaquence.org) created by Gabriel Dunne, Ryan Alexander and Daniel Massey.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
++title = Event: Audiovisual synthesis and projection mapped forms
++date = 2010-11-05
++Date/Time: 06 Nov 2010 from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM
++Location: Gray Area Foundation for the Arts – 55 Taylor Street, San Francisco
++Performances by Gabriel Dunne & Jeff Lubow, and Gregory Zifcak
++Performances with audiovisual synthesis and projection mapped forms.
++[Event Link](http://www.gaffta.org/2010/11/03/takes-on-sound-space-symposium-performances-this-saturday/)
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
++title = project title
++featured = yes
++thumb = /projects/the-project/thumb.png
++desc = the project description
++the project
--- /dev/null
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title = about
-This selection of work documents explorations of the visual, audible, and physical spectrum, including custom computer software and hardware, drawing influence from natural systems, structures, and rhythms of the perceivable and imperceivable universe.
-I have a passion for creativity and exploration and express it in many different ways. My work takes the form of small exploratory projects, public works, collaborations, software/hardware development, and industrial design and processes. I have contracted to collectives and companies worldwide.
-I am based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
-elsewhere: [quilime.com](http://quilime.com)
-quilime is a codification of creative process that I've kept since 1999.
++My work is an exploration of the visual, audible, and physical spectrum, drawing influence from natural systems, structures, and rhythms of the perceivable and imperceivable universe.
- -----
++I have a passion for creativity and exploration and express it in many different ways. My work takes the form of self-initiated explorations and experiments, public works, collaborations, software/hardware development, and industrial design and processes.
- `plog` is a CMS written to codify process and resources, written in PHP
- by **gabriel dunne** ([www](http://gabrieldunne.com), [email](mailto:gdunne@quilime.com)) for [quilime.com](quilime.com)
-A collection of my projects and process ranging from 1999 to current.
++I also publish [quilime.com](http://quilime.com), a codification of creative process and resources.
- find me on:
- [github](http://github.com/quilime/),
- [twitter](http://twitter.com/quilime/)
- site source code: <a href="http://git.quilime.com/?p=plog.git;a=summary">plog</a>
- -------
- extract plog to the subdirectory of your choice, and modify `lib/init.php`
-Contact me via email at [gd@gabrieldunne.com](mailt:gd@gabrieldunne.com).
++1242 Market Street, FL 2
++San Francisco, CA 94102
+++ 1 415 493 8496
++<a href="mailto:studio@gabrieldunne.com">studio@gabrieldunne.com</a>
--- /dev/null
-**Gabriel Labov Dunne**
-b. 1981, San Francisco
-<br />
+ title = c/v
+ --
+ **edu**
+ 2003 B.A. Design | Media Arts, UCLA
+ 2002 Pont Avent School of Art, France
+ 1999 College of Marin
+ <br />
+ <br />
-2010 Powers of Ten, GAFFTA. Installation. Collab w/Stephanie Sherriff.
++**residencies / collaborations**
++2011— Collaboration, Studio Vishal K. Dar
++2009—2010 Artist in Residence, Gray Area Foundation for the Arts
++<br />
+ **exhibitions, festivals, performance**
++2011 Sepalcure, Shigeto, Simple & Santa, GAFFTA, San Francisco. Live visuals. <a href="http://www.gaffta.org/2011/03/01/sepalcure-shigeto-simple-santa/">→</a>
+ 2010 Milieux Sonores: Sound and Imaginary Space, GAFFTA, San Francisco. Live A/V performance.
+ 2010 Biennial of the Americas, Denver. Live A/V performance.
+ 2010 Prototype, GAFFTA, San Francisco. Installation.
-2010 Open Source: Visual Programming (BAVC, San Francisco)
++2010 Powers of Ten, GAFFTA. Installation.
+ 2008 Design and the Elastic Mind, MoMA NYC Permanent Collection. Collab w/Stamen Design.
+ 2006 Interferenze: Naturalis Electronica, Valle Caudina, Italy.
+ 2006 Japan Media Arts Festival, Tokyo, Japan
+ 2006 Festival Sonar, Barcelona, Spain
+ 2006 SIGGRAPH, Boston
+ 2005 New Wight Gallery MFA Show, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (collab.)
+ 2005 SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles
+ 2005 :Output International Design Competition, Amsterdam, Netherlands
+ 2005 CiberArt: International Festival of New Technologies, Bilbao, Spain
+ 2004 Traffic, New Wight Gallery, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Collab w/Scott Hessels.
+ 2003 Sur(Face), Design Media Arts EDA, Los Angeles, CA
+ 2003 Eyberrations Digital Film Festival, Irvine, CA
+ 2002 Melbourne International Film Festival", Melbourne, Australia
+ 2002 Experimental Works On Paper, Paris, France
+ 2002 Experimental Works On Paper, Rennes, France
+ 2002 Jaquez Gallery Collection, Pont Aven, France. Permanent Collection.
+ <br />
+ **talks / conferences**
+ 2010 "Prototype" Resident Artist Symposium, Gray Area, San Francisco
+ 2004 Text + Architecture & Writing in Architecture, SCIARC, Los Angeles
+ 2003 narr@tive: Digital Storytelling, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles
+ <br />
+ **courses / lectures / workshops**
++2011 Processing 101 (Certificate Program, Gray Area, San Francisco)
++2010 Open Source Coding (Youth Program, BAVC, San Francisco)
+ 2010 Creative Coding: An Introduction to Processing (Gray Area, San Francisco)
+ 2009 Creative Coding (Gray Area, San Francisco)
+ 2009 Creative Coding (Gray Area, San Francisco)
+ 2009 Introduction to Processing (Gray Area, San Francisco)
+ 2007 Processing (Makers Faire, San Mateo)
+ 2005 Programming and Design (UCLA student workshops, Los Angeles)
+ 2005 Video, (UCLA student workshops, Los Angeles)
+ 2004 Maya Workshop Series (UCLA, Los Angeles)
+ 2003 Typography Workshop Series (UCLA, Los Angeles)
+ 2003 Adobe Design Software Workshop (Rep, UCLA, Los Angeles)
+ 2002 Macromedia Design Student Workshops (UCLA, Los Angeles)
+ <br />
+ **media**
+ 2009 Art College Radio (gdss) 2008 MIT Aerospace Annual
+ 2007 A'minima #17
+ 2007 FOCUS Italia, May Issue
+ 2007 Discover Magazine
+ 2007 Wired
+ 2006 Adult Swim, Cartoon Network
+ 2006 Contemporary Art of Science and Technology
+ 2006 AD: Architectural Digest
+ 2005 HDRI
+ <br />
+ **public collections**
+ New York Museum of Modern Art, NY
+ Jaquez Gallery Collection, Pont Aven, France
+ <br />
+ **awards**
+ 2005 Creative Review Best in Show "Beck Girl" (Asst Visual Effects Supervisor, w/Motion Theory)
+ 2004 Type Directors Award "Nike Golf" (Designer, Developer, w/Motion Theory)
+ 2004 AIGA "HP It Consolidates" (Designer, Animator w/Motion Theory)
+ 2004 AICP "HP Hands" (Designer, Animator w/Motion Theory)
+ 2003 Screen Network Australia Best in Show
+ 2002 Shorttakes Film Festival, Best Visual Effects
+ <br />
-**residencies / collaborations**
-2011 Collaboration, Studio Vishal Dar
-2009—2010 Artist in Residence, Gray Area Foundation for the Arts
+ **academic honors**
+ 2002, 2003 UCLA Deans List
+ 2001 UCLA Merit Scholarship
-2010—current Educator, Bay Area Video Coalition. 'Digital Pathways: Open Source' Instructor
+ <br />
++Adobe A.C.E. Certified in Photoshop, Illustrator
+ <br />
+ **professional activity**
-2005—current Tessellated Group: Designer
++2005— Tessellated Group: Designer
++2010— Bay Area Video Coalition, NextGen Youth Instructor
++2009—2010 Gray Area Foundation for the Arts: Studio Director
+ 2007—2008 Stamen Design: Designer, Developer
+ 2007—2008 Google, Inc: Designer, Developer
-<br />
+ 2004—2006 Motion Theory: Designer, Animator
+ <br />
+ <br />
--- /dev/null
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- <li><h2><a href="/"><?=SITE_TITLE;?></a></h2></li>
- <br />
- <h3>content</h3>
- <? $dirs = get_dirs(); ?>
- <? foreach($dirs as $dir) : ?>
- <li><a href="<?=$dir['url']?>"><?=$dir['name']?></a></li>
- <? endforeach; ?>
- <br />
- <h3>pages</h3>
- <? $pages = get_pages(); ?>
- <? foreach($pages as $page) : ?>
- <li><a href="<?=$page['url']?>"><?=$page['title']?></a></li>
- <? endforeach; ?>
-<ul class="nav">
++ <h1><a href="/">Gabriel Dunne</a></h1>
- <br />
- <h2><a href="/"><?=SITE_TITLE?></a></h2>
++ <ul class="nav">
++ <li><a href="/projects/">projects</a></li>
++ <li><a href="/blog/">blog</a></li>
++ <li><a href="/about/">about</a></li>
++ <li><a href="/cv/">cv</a></li>
++ </ul>
- <? /*
- <ul class="index">
- <li><h3>index</h3></li>
- <? list($dirs, $total) = get_entries(""); ?>
- <?php foreach($dirs as $entry): ?>
- <li><a href="<?php echo $entry['url']; ?>"><?php echo $entry['title']; ?></a></li>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </ul>
- */ ?>
- <li><a href="/process/">process</a></li>
- <li><a href="/projects/">projects</a></li>
- <li><a href="/about/">about</a></li>