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+<img src="http://media.quilime.com/files/img/IMG_1881.jpg" />\r
+Gabriel Labov Dunne (b. 1981, San Francisco) works with multiple mediums and technologies to explore audiovisual vibration, space, structures, and rhythms of the perceivable and imperceivable universe. His art and design work has shown internationally in solo and group exhibitions, performances, galleries, public space, and is featured in interactive software, music videos, sound works, and film projects. With a background in animation and coding, and deep interests in architecture, form and fabrication, he is a proponent for the use of computing and technology as a means to connect a wide range of mediums and subjects. \r
<? if (!isset($_GET['s'])): ?>
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view as list <a href="?s">images</a>
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<? $this->include_template('projectlist.html.tpl') ?>
<? else: ?>
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view as <a href="?">list</a> images
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<ul class="entries projects">
<? foreach($entries as $entry): ?>