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-title: NAAG
+title: NAAG Mehrauli
layout: post
date: 2012-12-20
categories: art featured
![]({{ site.baseurl}}/m/naag/1projection.jpg)
site-specific projection sculpture
-concrete, plaster
+concrete, plaster, multiuple projectors, computer, custom software
12' x 3.5' x 3.5'
2 channel projection
Site Specific, New Dehli
--- /dev/null
+title: NAAG Z
+layout: post
+date: 2015-03-15
+categories: art featured
+excerpt: projection-mapped sculpture
+thumb: /m/naagz/thumb.png
+## NAAG Z
+<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/122618829?color=ffffff&byline=0&portrait=0" width="800" height="450" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
+Gabriel Dunne [gabrieldunne.com](http://gabrieldunne.com)
+Vishal K Dar [vishalkdar.com](http://vishalkdar.com)
+Sculpture, 4ch Projection
+4' x 4' x 14'
+Plaster of Paris, Styrofoam, Steel, Custom Software, GLSL, Computer, Multiple Projectors
+Mumbai, 2015
+It is as if mysterious forces have spontaneously combusted and ignited to produce a marvelous emanation of the cosmic in our midst. Who knows what corners of the universe inform this luminous entity, what hidden histories of the people are recounted in its mysterious ebbs and flows?
+Light makes the remembered disappear and in its glow we glimpse perhaps the finest movements of our desires hidden deep within ourselves, the sticky flows of habitual but subtle lust by which we attach ourselves to reality in order to feel organically alive.
+When Vishal K Dar and Gabriel Dunne first presented NAAG in a small space in Mehrauli, India, on the fringe of the community’s development, the children of this neighborhood had immediately made up their minds about the creature's true nature and the reasons for its appearance. To them it was a wish fulfilling sea-serpent, silent and evocative, which had found abode in this unused space to hibernate during the cold winter months of Delhi.
+Vishal K Dar and Gabriel Dunne challenge the notion of sculpture as a static object. The organic sculptural form has its roots in CG and CAD software and is further skinned with generative algorithm. Various parts of the sculpture move differently, as if a form had coiled onto itself. The viewer is liberated since the sculpture does not rely on prescribed grammar and the experience helps resolve a paradigm shift in our viewing registers.
+<img src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7599/16817419326_a32f6021c3_z.jpg" />
+<img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8670/16842189712_a5853f3039_z.jpg" />
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<img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/565/22434089422_3b0b68ca1b_b.jpg"/>
-## NAAG Z
+## [NAAG Z](/naagz/)
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/122618829?color=ffffff&byline=0&portrait=0" width="800" height="450" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
Vishal K Dar and Gabriel Dunne challenge the notion of sculpture as a static object. The organic sculptural form has its roots in CG and CAD software and is further skinned with generative algorithm. Various parts of the sculpture move differently, as if a form had coiled onto itself. The viewer is liberated since the sculpture does not rely on prescribed grammar and the experience helps resolve a paradigm shift in our viewing registers.
+## [HYPER TERRA](/hyperterra/)
<a href="/hyperterra/">
<img src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8628/15720136304_8e24c47f87_c.jpg" />
Autodesk [Artist In Residence Show](http://www.autodesk.com/artist-in-residence/home) Pier9, San Francisco Jan 22—24 2015
<a href="/hyperterra/">
<img src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7515/16316613586_e540698489_b.jpg" />