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+title = biennial performance
+tags = perf install projection vis aud
+notes = this might need to be split up into a few posts
+# video
+# documentation
+Snapshotsof the ICOSI piece for the biennial show.
+![icosi install](http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4092/4847387548_8a127a4c4f.jpg)
+[view photoset on flickr](http://www.flickr.com/photos/quilime/sets/72157624499344281/with/4847387648/)
+# fabrication
+The process gave way to many more ideas about fabricating much more dynamic shapes. This current fab ended up using metal piano hinges between wood panels. Each panel was stretched with thick white lycra.
+Some future ideas are to rapid prototype custom hinges for frame-like panels with an emphasis on lightness, ease of construction, the ability to be cleaned, none-wasteful, and are sturdy.
+The software and audio toolset took place over the last three weeks leading up to the performance. The performance dramatically split my focus into two places (playing music, changing visuals), which was a juggle that I wasn't anticipating, as I was developing the visual software on one split-screen before the performance. Inspired to continue pursuing interfaces and controllers to overcome the separation of creating audio and visuals simultaneously.
+The multiple mediums (sculpture, sound, visual media) of this particular project was fascinating. Each iteration represents a process of my own curiosities in technology, consciousness, spirituality, design, and fabrication.
+# concept & design
+The piece represents my practice and experiences in regards to my own spiritual growth and experience. Geometrically, the form is inspired by sacred polyhedra that represent forms of transition. The choice of an [icosidodecahedron](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icosidodecahedron) represents transition of two frequencies, represented by an [icosahedron](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icosahedron) and its dual polyhedron, a [dodecahedron](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodecahedron).
+The form is composed of 7 panels trimmed and scaled from a full icosidodecahedron. The visuals follow the structure of the form nearly explicitly, with the exception of textural elements. Below is the UV map for the geometry.
+The inclusion of the Merkaba/Star Tetrahedron represents an inspiration for the visuals. The Merkaba, a dual spinning pyramid, represents a spiritual light vehicle used by the ancients to transcend to and contact spiritual realms. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another. [[1]](http://www.crystalinks.com/merkaba.html)
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+title = index
+template = index
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+title = projects
+template = projects
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<br />
+Tessellated Group
+Stamen Design
+Google, Inc
+Motion Theory
+<br />
-**selected exhibitions, performance**
-2010 Biennial of the Americas, Denver
+2003 B.A. Design | Media Arts, UCLA
+2002 Pont Avent School of Art, France
+1999 Architecture, Art, College of Marin
+<br />
+<br />
+**exhibitions, performance**
+2010 Biennial of the Americas, Denver (performance)
2010 Prototype, Gray Area Foundation for the Arts, San Francisco
2010 Powers of Ten, Gray Area Foundation for the Arts
2008 Design and the Elastic Mind, MoMA NYC (w/Stamen Design. Permanent Collection)
2001 UCLA Merit Scholarship
<br />
-Tessellated Group
-Stamen Design
-Google, Inc
-Motion Theory
-<br />
-2003 B.A. Design | Media Arts, UCLA
-2002 Pont Avent School of Art, France
-1999 Architecture, Art, College of Marin
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- <li><a href="/blog/">blog</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/blog/">blog</a></li>
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