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-Personal website of Gabriel Dunne, an American interdisciplinary artist, designer, and programmer. With decades of experience spanning diverse mediums including parametric and computational design, software, creative tooling, sound/spatial audio, installation, and fabrication, he has maintained a diverse artistic and studio practice of holistic systems-thinking methodologies and explorations, resulting in work that represents a continuous interconnection of visual and audible, digital and material.
+personal website of Gabriel Dunne
## email
### awards / publications
- 2016 Push+Turn+Move, "Seaquence" Featurette
-- 2005 Type Directors Award for Typography and Motion Graphics (Motiontheory)
+- 2005 "Creative Review" Best in Show 2005, Beck "Girl" Music Video (Motion Theory)
+- 2005 Type Directors Award for Typography and Motion Graphics (Motion Theory)
+- 2005 Screen Network Australia Best in Show, "The Pik Me Up" Short Film
- 2004 ACIP Award for Motion Graphics (Motiontheory)
- 2003 AIGA Award for Motion Graphics (Motiontheory)
+- 2002 Shorttakes Film Festival, Best Visual Effects, "The Mirror" Short Film
### clients / commercial & institutional affiliations