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title: face replace
date: dec 15 2012
thumb: http://media.quilime.com/files/projects/facereplace/thumb.png
-categories: projects
+categories: code
layout: post
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layout: post\r
title: Architecture Mythos\r
date: 2001-07-05\r
-categories: projects\r
+categories: works\r
thumb: /m/icarus-deadalus/thumb.png\r
layout: post\r
title: "Celestes Calendar"\r
date: 2002-06-12\r
-categories: projects\r
+categories: works\r
thumb: /m/celestes/thumb.png\r
date: 2010-12-20
categories: works featured
excerpt: projection sculpture
+order: 4
thumb: /m/monad/thumb3.png
date: 2012-12-20
tags: collab
categories: works featured
+order: 2
excerpt: projection-mapped sculpture
thumb: /m/naag/thumb.png
layout: post
title: "Tetra Table"
date: 2014-04-29
-categories: projects
+categories: works
author: Gabriel Dunne
layout: post\r
title: Ribbon\r
date: 2017-05-05\r
-categories: projects\r
+categories: works\r
thumb: /m/ribbon/thumb.png\r
excerpt_separator: <!--more-->\r
layout: post
date: 2018-08-10
-categories: projects
+categories: works
thumb: /m/metaflux/thumb.png
layout: post
title: subspectral
date: 2022-02-05
-categories: works featured
+categories: works
layout: post\r
title: Mekstension\r
date: 2009-04-08\r
-categories: projects\r
+categories: code\r
client: Mekanism\r
thumb: /m/mekstension/thumb.png\r
layout: post\r
title: "Audio-ShaderToy"\r
date: 2012-04-03\r
-categories: projects\r
+categories: code\r
thumb: "/m/audioshadertoy/thumb.png"\r
excerpt: live-coding WebGL/GLSL shader editor with audio-spectrum data\r
layout: post
title: "GH -> TD"
date: 2014-04-23
-categories: projects
+categories: code
thumb: /m/gh-td/thumb.png
layout: post
date: 2002-05-01
title: "Color/Shape/Sound"
-categories: projects
+categories: notes
thumb : /m/colormuscalc/circleoffifths_color.gif
layout: post
title: City Sun Path
date: 2006-05-05
-categories: projects
+categories: notes
thumb: /m/sfshadows/thumb.png
layout: post
title: "Phi"
date: 2014-04-24
-categories: projects
+categories: notes
thumb: /m/phi/thumb.png
bg : #fff
layout: post\r
title: Stripe of Mirrors\r
date: 2021-01-01\r
-categories: projects\r
+categories: performance\r
thumb: /m/som/thumb.png\r
layout: post\r
title: "Tessellated Group"\r
-date: 2018-01-01\r
+date: 2006-01-01\r
categories: projects\r
thumb: /m/tessellated/logo.png\r
-Tessellated Group is a company founded by Greg Gale, focusing on structural origami. From 2005 to 2018 I worked with Tessellated Group creating the identity of the company and led the design and parametric CAD/CAM software tooling projects used for generating designs for folding flat sheet medium into complex three-dimensional forms used in packaging, marine, aerospace, and more.\r
+Founding Designer and Chief Software Engineer from Jun 2005 - Aug 2018. Developed structural packaging solutions for multi-national product supply chains. Computational design, Parametric modeling, algorithms, and CNC industrial sheet-folding machines and apparatuses for flat-sheet based origami structural cores.\r
<a href="https://tessellated.com/">Tessellated Group</a>\r
layout: post
title: "Celestial Mechanics"
date: 2006-05-05
+order: 4
categories: projects featured
thumb: /m/cm/thumb.png
Animation for Planetarium Dome, 30min
By D. Scott Hessels and Gabriel L. Dunne
-Celestial Mechanics is a planetarium-based artwork installation that visualizes the statistics, data, and protocols of manmade aerial technologies -- a graphic display of the paths and functions of the machines hovering, flying, and drifting above our planet. The sky is filled with aircraft that transport people from place to place, perform utilitarian duties, assist in communications, enact military missions, or wander above us as debris. Celestial Mechanics combines science, statistical display, and contemporary art by presenting these mechanical patterns and behaviors as a celestial mythology. The artwork is intended to be viewed in a planetarium dome, and as time permits the authors, it is updated.
+Celestial Mechanics is a planetarium-based artwork installation that visualizes the statistics, data, and protocols of manmade aerial technologies, conceived of in 2005 and first released in 2006. One of the first of its kind in the realm of software-based Data Visualization, a graphic display of the paths and functions of the machines hovering, flying, and drifting above our planet. The sky is filled with aircraft that transport people from place to place, perform utilitarian duties, assist in communications, enact military missions, or wander above us as debris. Celestial Mechanics combines science, statistical display, and contemporary art by presenting these mechanical patterns and behaviors as a celestial mythology. The artwork is intended to be viewed in a planetarium dome, and as time permits the authors, it is updated.
more info [https://celestialmechanics.info](https://celestialmechanics.info/)
date: 2008-07-05 \r
categories: projects featured\r
layout: post\r
+order: 5\r
thumb: /m/cabspotting/thumb.png\r
+Using realtime GPS data to visualize the journeys of Yellow Cabs in San Francisco\r
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/68519298?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffffff" width="800" height="500" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>\r
### "Cabspotting" San Francisco Taxi-Cab Visualization\r
+Among the first uses of realtime data in a visualization of any kind on the web, Cabspotting was shown in the Design and the Elastic Mind exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in 2008, was shown at NighTime Dreamreal at the Shanghai Power Station of Art (November 2013–March 2014), and is now in the permanent collection of MoMA. In these frame-by-frame maps of the locations of cabs in the Bay Area, taken from GPS data from Yellow Cabs in San Francisco, the city pulses like a beating heart.\r
+Scott Snibbe originally invited Stamen Design to collaborate with him on this project. It was part of a research project called Invisible Dynamics, sponsored by The Exploratorium of San Francisco.\r
#### Credits\r
[Stamen Design](https://stamen.com) \r
Shawn Allen \r
Gabriel Dunne \r
-[Cabspotting](http://stamen.com/clients/cabspotting) \r
-[Cabspotting in MoMA](http://content.stamen.com/cabspotting_in_moma_design_and_the_elastic_mind) \r
+[Cabspotting on Stamen's website](https://stamen.com/work/cabspotting/) \r
+[Cabspotting in MoMA](https://stamen.com/cabspotting-in-moma-design-and-the-elastic-mind-8d0417eba36a/) \r
![]({{site.url}}/m/cabspotting/gabe - cabs_03.png)\r
Cab Trails\r
layout: post
title: Okaynokay
date: 2015-01-01
-categories: projects
+categories: projects featured
+order: 3
thumb: /m/oknk/thumb.png
-<a href="https://oknk.studio"><img src="https://oknk.studio/presskit/images/oknk-logo-light-white.png" /></a>
+<a href="https://oknk.studio">
+ <img src="https://oknk.studio/i/oknk-logo-dark-white-2x.png" />
Notable projects by OKNK
title: "Seaquence.App"\r
categories: projects featured\r
date: 2016-03-15\r
+order: 1\r
excerpt: software music toy\r
thumb: /m/seaquence/3-up-700px.png\r
A beautiful and playful multi-voice synthesizer \r
-Created by [Okaynokay](https://oknk.studio) \r
+Created by [Okaynokay](https://oknk.studio) (Ryan Alexander and Gabriel Dunne)\r
[https://seaquence.app](https://seaquence.app) \r
title: Twilight Engines\r
categories: projects featured\r
date: 2019-03-03\r
+order: 3\r
te_url: https://twilightengines.site\r
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